Demanding surgery of nasal septum and exterior nose

When is the procedure indicated?

Structural defects in the septa and nose can narrow airways in the nasal passages, causing a blocked nose. A malpositioned nose may also be aesthetically displeasing. Structural defects in the nose may be congenital or the result of an injury, an infection, or the removal of a tumour. The most common reason for performing rhinoplasty at the Clinic for Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases is reconstructive surgery after an injury. The reconstruction of a partially or wholly missing nose is not one of our core competences.

Treatment seeks to improve air flow in the nose and, if necessary, correct a malpositioned nose to make it more aesthetically pleasing.

Pros and cons

Before deciding on surgery, our specialists will identify the factors contributing to the patient’s blocked nose and take flow measurements and/or cross-sections of the nasal passages. Our specialists will first use all other available means to provide the best possible treatment for a blocked nose. Surgery is used to fix obstructive structural defects, and also to return a damaged nose to as close to its original appearance as possible. Reconstructive surgery for congenital deformities seeks a natural appearance. Decisions concerning appearance are made with the patient.

The final choice of treatment and its surgical complexity are determined on a case-by-case basis. They are influenced by how difficult the structural defects are to correct, any previous nasal surgeries, and the patient’s general health. Surgery is performed on patients who are expected to benefit from the procedure and for whom the benefits are deemed to outweigh any potential side effects.

Duration of the procedure

Uncomplicated septoplasty can take less than an hour. The most complicated rhinoplasties require autogenous tissue grafts (ear cartilage, rib cartilage, and muscle membrane) and over six hours will be reserved for the operation.

Recovery time

The amount of sick leave required depends on the extent of the surgery and the nature of your work. 2–3 weeks is the norm.

Minor operations can be carried out as day surgery, whilst more major operations will require an overnight stay in hospital. Tampons are removed after 1–3 weeks, silicon sheets after 1–2 weeks. External support is removed after about a week, but we recommend that you keep using it at night for a further 1–2 weeks.

To prevent bleeding, you should avoid exertion, stress, taking saunas, and forcefully blowing your nose for about a week. After surgery, your nose and its external support should be kept as closely in place as possible to ensure that your nose retains the correct position. You should protect your nose from pressure and knocks for 4 weeks after surgery.

How to book an appointment or operation?

Appoint­ments and customer service tel. +358 9 4748 2705

Inquiries and reser­va­tions regarding opera­tions: tel. +358 9 47482704

Book an online appointment here.

See our more detailed contact infor­mation here.